COARA Fall Swap Meet Sat 10/28

Finally! The fall swap meet.
COARA (Central Ohio Antique Radio Association) is holding its Fall Swap Meet October 29th, 2022 in Sunbury, Ohio (30 minutes North of Columbus)Please contact COARA or Barry Bennett if you would like vendor space. Indoor space may be limited; outdoor space not so much, if the weather cooperates. Outdoor space is unsheltered. AC power is available.COARA Contact: president@coara.clubContact Barry directly: Vendor charge is $10 per table space. Tables are not unlimited, so indicate if you can bring your own.  Registration is not needed for vendors, but it’s first come first served on space, and if we run out of that, we can’t make more.
 *When: Oct. 29, 2022*Setup: 7am outdoor and indoor vendor setup*Time: 8am – 12 noon officially*Location: 130 Burrer Drive, Sunbury, Ohio 43074, about 4 miles east of the I-71/Ohio 36 interchange
Of note: This location (mine) happens to be the current home of both my test gear museum, and the former PTOP inventory of the late Gary Schneider. *Some* of this inventory will be on the tables for purchase. It also looks like we will have some of the late Ray Tiner estate as well (tentative). 
This entry was posted on October 24, 2022, in sticky. Bookmark the permalink.