
Central Ohio Antique Radio Association.   (COARA)

2018 leadership cabinet:

  • President: Scott L. Freshour
  • Vice President: Thom Flak
  • Treasurer: Barry Gould
  • Secretary: TBD

Constitution, Purpose and By-Laws

The Central Ohio Antique Radio Association (COARA) is a club for people interested in antique radios and related items. Anyone who shares that interest is welcome and encouraged to join the club.

The purpose of the club is educational – to share and preserve antique radio knowledge and to provide venues to meet and associate with others interested in antique radios. Accordingly, COARA holds periodic club meetings and sponsors events (swap meets) for people to display, see, discuss, brag about, trade, buy and sell antique radios and related items.

Club officer elections, membership fees and other club business are decided by majority vote of members present at a scheduled club meeting. Officers include a PRESIDENT, a TREASURER, a SECRETARY and any other officers as may be elected. Between club meetings, club officers may operate as an executive committee to conduct club business.

–       The President presides at meetings and generally conducts the business of the club delegating as appropriate.

–       The Treasurer controls the club bank account and issues checks for club purposes. Any club bank account shall be registered in the name of the club. The Treasurer shall designate a 2nd club member on the bank account who is authorized to sign checks when the Treasurer is unavailable. The Treasurer shall keep bank records available for inspection and present a Treasurer Report during a club meeting at least once during the calendar year.

–       The Secretary keeps a record of officer elections and club decisions, and provides written clarification of officer standing to outside parties as needed.

–       The Treasurer and/or President may call a special club meeting by notifying the club members.


Ratified at club meeting of March 19th, 2014


Download a copy of this document here: COARA Constitution and By-Laws